Biennale di Venezia – Rückblick in Zahlen

Die Biennale die Venezia ist mit den Besucherzahlen zufrieden – auch wenn es 12% weniger waren als 2022.

Bild eines Puzzles

Die Biennale die Venezia veröffentlicht am letzten Tag der Ausstellung folgende Informationen:

Today, Sunday 24 November 2024, following seven days of performances at the Arse-nale, the 60th International Art Exhibition Stranieri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere, curated by Adriano Pedrosa, closed after registering one of the highest levels of visitor attendance in its history. With an 18% increase over the pre-Covid edition in 2019 and second only to the previous 2022 edition – The Milk of Dreams, curated by Cecilia Ale-mani, which registered a record 800,000 visitors, Biennale Arte 2024 announced the su-perlative sale of 700,000 tickets (an average of approximately 3,300 visitors per day), in addition to the 27,966 visitors who attended the preview.
A share of 59% of the public came from abroad, and 41% from Italy. There was strong attendance by young people and students under the age of 26, totalling over 190,000, or 30% of all visitors. There was also a significant 20% increase in primary school visits; while 35% of the schools came from abroad. A record result was also the participation of fragile categories at the Exhibition, with an increase this year of +67%. This figure confirms La Biennale’s constant and growing attention to activities relating to the accessibility of the cultural heritage and of contemporary arts in particular to persons with disabilities or situations of social disadvantage or marginalisation.

Darüber hinaus publizierte die Biennale di Venezia ein abschließendes Statement des künstleri-schen Leiters:

The Curator Adriano Pedrosa, on his part, stated:
“As the Biennale Arte 2024 closes after a week of extraordinary performances, I am grateful above all to the artists who participated in the exhibition, to the biennale staff, to my own team, to all the lenders, galleries, sponsors and donors who supported the exhibition so generously, as well as to the more than 700.000 visitors who came to see our show. I am also grateful to former president Roberto Cicutto, for having appointed me, and for president Pietrangelo Buttafuoco, for his support. It is always melancholic to see an exhibition of this magnitude come to an end, yet in some ways the journey con-tinues, and I am now looking forward to the afterlife of Stranieiri Ovunque – Foreigners Everywhere, especially regarding the understanding, reception and visibility of artists from the Global South, as well as indigenous artists, queer artists, self taught artists and 20th century figures from Africa, Asia and Latin America.”

Damit hatte die Biennale di Venezia 2024 etwa 12% weniger Besucher als die Biennale von 2022, die noch von den Folgen der Corona-Krise gekennzeichnet war. Das überrascht ein wenig, weil eigentlich erwartet worden war, dass sich die Zahlen noch einmal steigern würden. Der sehr hohe Anteil von Schüler:innen mag die Veranstalter:innen zufrieden stellen, zeigt aber auch, dass das (nicht-pädagogische) Kunstinteresse weltweit etwas nachgelassen hat. 2022 hat-te die Biennale klar mehr Besucher als die zeitgleiche Documenta, mit den aktuellen Zahlen läge sie wieder an zweiter Stelle.